

向服务发送 API 请求,可能会产生多种不同的错误响应,以下文档将会描述数据结构以及大致的原因。


查看完整的 proto 文件定义,关键部分如下:

// ErrorResponse 用于定义统一错误响应体
message ErrorResponse {
  Status error = 1;

// Status 用于定义统一错误状态码
message Status {
  int32 code = 1;
  string status = 2;
  string message = 3;
  repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 4;

一个 json 示例:

  "error": {
    "code": 5,
    "status": "NotFound",
    "message": "unknown service",
    "details": [
        "@type": "type.googleapis.com/grpc_kit.api.known.status.v1.TracingRequest",
        "id": "b17f76dc51de4098bc974e5f2009c097"


code status http code default message
0 OK 200 No error.
1 Canceled 499 Request cancelled by the client.
2 Unknown 500 Unknown server error.
3 InvalidArgument 400 Client specified an invalid argument.
4 DeadlineExceeded 504 Request deadline exceeded.
5 NotFound 404 A specified resource is not found, or the request is rejected by undisclosed reasons, such as whitelisting.
6 AlreadyExists 409 The resource that a client tried to create already exists.
7 PermissionDenied 403 Client does not have sufficient permission.
8 ResourceExhausted 429 Either out of resource quota or reaching rate limiting.
9 FailedPrecondition 400 Request can not be executed in the current system state, such as deleting a non-empty directory.
10 Aborted 409 Concurrency conflict, such as read-modify-write conflict.
11 OutOfRange 400 Client specified an invalid range.
12 Unimplemented 501 The API method not implemented or enabled by the server.
13 Internal 500 Internal server error.
14 Unavailable 503 Service unavailable.
15 DataLoss 500 Unrecoverable data loss or data corruption.
16 Unauthenticated 401 Request not authenticated due to missing, invalid, or expired OAuth token.
204 NoContent 204 Service is no additional content to send in the response content.

最后修改 08.11.2023: docs: add 204 code (0c60495)